when did digital marketing begin?

when did digital marketing begin?

when did digital marketing begin?

Marketing has been around for a long time. From the first newspaper ads to the latest television commercials, marketers have had to adapt their messages and mediums to reach consumers. Digital marketing is now the most popular way for companies to connect with their target audience because of its ability to reach people across borders and on different devices at any given time. It's not slowing down anytime soon!

The first marketing campaigns were in the form of newspaper ads

The first marketing campaigns were in the form of newspaper ads and handbills. Advertising agencies would select newspapers to advertise their products on, which had the most readers or widest circulation areas at that time.

Then came TV commercials

Then, television advertising became the norm. Companies would buy airtime based on how many people they wanted to reach, the demographics of these people, and the place in which they wanted to air their advertisements.

Nowadays, marketers use digital media to reach out to consumers and it's not slowing down anytime soon!

Nowadays, marketers use digital media to reach out to consumers and it's not slowing down anytime soon! For example, Facebook has 1.28 billion monthly active users as of the end of March 2017. Marketers now use social media as a platform to communicate with potential customers and increase brand awareness. Since companies can easily track how many potential customers purchased their product after viewing a post, it's simple for them to see if their ad dollars are being put to good use.

Conclusion paragraph: The first marketing campaigns were in the form of newspaper ads, then TV commercials. Today's marketers have a wide range of digital media to reach out to consumers with and it doesn't seem like this trend is slowing down anytime soon! What type of marketing has been most effective for your business?

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